Presentations pt.2
Recently in my speech class we did another presentation. The class is divided in three groups and in the last round of presentations we presented in order, Group 1 first and finishing off with Group 3. For this presentation we went backwards. We started off with Group 3 and finished with Group 1. We are switching the order in which we present with every presentation. I really enjoy this method because since I am in Group 1 we always have to go first, instead this method our Professor is working helps us be either first or last. It is something different for each round of presentations. Group 2 however, will always go second, whether we start with Group 1 or Group 3.
The topics were on Racial Divides, Economy, Law and Order Protests/Rallies, Immigration, Education and Healthcare. Each group chose their topics and we were all given a few days in order to present our Powerpoint. One thing I love about these presentations is that they are very dynamic. It is not your basic Powerpoint with huge paragraphs of information but you have the opportunity to include short videos that back up the information we are writing. Not only is it better for the person making the presentation but it also helps the person watching it, their is a smaller for the person to get bored with videos than having a classmate read paragraphs of information in a monotone voice.
As a whole group we chose to talk about Racial Divides and Economy. We had two major topics and in those topics we had subtopics. Each person was to chose either Racial Divides or Economy and a subtopic for the one they chose. For example, I had a partner for my part of the presentation. My partner was Ajah and we did a great job dividing the work and each one doing their part. We chose Racial Divides and the area in which we decided on was school and in the workplace. Preparing the powerpoint for this presentation was a huge learning experience for me.
Although Ajah and I did a good job with our slides, including both information and short videos add more insight on our topics, unfortunately, that was not the case for some of the people in our group. Ajah and I were the first ones in our group to present and for the next few days the people that were not in class they day they were supposed to present had the chance to present. Although the professor gave them the opportunity to still present their part, they had points taken off their grade.
The group I am in was the last group to present. The first group that presented was Group 3. Group 3 chose the topic Education in the pandemic and funding Healthcare. Personally, education is a huge passion of mine and before switching my major to Psychology, I had chosen Education. I actually worked in a school as an Interventionist, this is why Education will always be an interesting topic for me. There are many schools that do not have the same financial support has other schools and at the end of the day this hurts the student. That is something I had known for a while now but something I learned from Groups 3 presentation was that there are several associations not only loca but nationally that help provide for those schools that need the extra help in order for the students to receive a better education. Out of their whole presentation on Education I have to say that, that was my favorite part. They also talked about Healthcare. When it comes to this topic, it is something I am not very familiar with and have very little knowledge about. It was nice to learn more about from my classmates. They talked about very interesting information about healthcare. I am very glad that I was able to listen to the presentations and learn something new about a topic I am not very familiar with.
After Group 3, Group 2 was the next group to present. Like I said in the beginning Group 2 will always be the 2nd group to present. The topics that Group 2 chose was Immigration and Law and Order-Protests/ Rallies. This group had long videos, not so many slides with information. I still enjoyed their presentation, just as our professor. They shed some light on immigration problems and provided solution for those issues, they also talked about import protests that we've had. They mentioned two very famous and well known protests, such as, Black Lives Matter and Asian Lives Matter. Protests and rally are a right we have in this country and it is good to know that we can express and show our disagreement in a civil way. Overall it was a good presentation.
The final group to present was mine. All of the presentations where very interesting and informative. I was personally able to learn many things on such important topics. Even though the topics that we covered are known nationwide, we think we have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to talking about those topics. But after doing my own research on Racial Divides and listening to my classmates presentations, I found out there is still so much we do not know. Our professor is doing a great job in helping us understand and see that we do not know as much as we thought and that by doing assignments like these, our knowledge on them can grow a lot more. Learning not only from our professor but from my classmates as well, is what makes this class so special. From last presentation to this one, I do believe this one was a bit more difficult, information wise but when it came to presenting I think the whole class can agree that were all a lot more comfortable than the first presentation we did. I am sure that by the time we have another presentation, those little nerves I still had will be gone by then. We are growing in our speech class!
Great! You certainly are growing!!